Jeremiah Mahler


Linux Packaging Comparison

16 Feb 2019

A listing of equivalent package management commands using Debian (deb), Redhat/Fedora (rpm/yum/dnf), and ArchLinux (pacman).

Search For a Package

   deb$ apt-cache search <name>

  rhel$ yum search <name>

fedora$ dnf search <name>

  arch$ pacman -Ss <name>

Repo List

List the current repos:

   deb$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list

  rhel$ cat /etc/yum.repos.d/*

fedora$ dnf repolist

  arch$ /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Enabling a repo temporarily:

  rhel$ yum --enablerepo=rpmforge --enablerepo=epel --enablerepo=atomic <cmd>

Managing repo list:

   deb$ $EDITOR /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.d/*

  rhel$ $EDITOR /etc/yum.repos.d/*
  # To enable a yum repo set enabled=1

fedora$ dnf config-manager --set-enabled updates-testing
fedora$ dnf config-manager --set-disabled updates-testing

Install a Package

   deb$ apt-get install <name>

  rhel$ yum install <name>

fedora$ dnf install <name>

  arch$ pacman -S <name>

Install a Local Package

   deb$ dpkg -i <package>.deb

  rhel$ rpm -i <package>.rpm

fedora$ (same as rpm)

  arch$ ???

Remove a Package

   deb$ apt-get purge <name>

  rhel$ rpm -e <package>
  rhel$ yum remove <package>

fedora$ dnf remove <package>

  arch$ pacman -R <name>

List Files Provided by a Package

   deb$ dpkg -L <name>

  rhel$ rpm -ql <name>

fedora$ (same as rpm)

  arch$ pacman -Ql <name>

Status of Packages

   deb$ dpkg -l <name>

  rhel$ ???

fedora$ ???

  arch$ ???

Find Package That Provides a File

 deb$ dpkg --search <file>

rhel$ ???

arch$ pacman -Qo </file/path>

List Installed Packages

 deb$ dpkg -l [<name>]

rhel$ yum list [<name>]

arch$ pacman -Qqen

Get/Set Installed Packages

 deb$ dpkg --get-selections > pkglist.txt
 deb$ dpkg --set-selections < pkglist.txt

arch$ pacman -Qqen > pkglist.txt
arch$ pacman -S $(< pkglist.txt)

Show Information About a Package

 deb$ apt-cache show <name>

rhel$ yum info <name>

arch$ pacman -Si <name>

Update Package List

   deb$ apt-get update

  rhel$ yum check-update

fedora$ dnf update

  arch$ pacman -Sy

Upgrade Packages

   deb$ apt-get upgrade

  rhel$ yum update

fedora$ dnf upgrade

  arch$ pacman -Su


 deb$ ???

rhel$ ???

arch$ /var/log/pacman.log

Manage Package Signing Keys

fedora$ rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-29-x86_64

fedora$ rpm -q gpg-pubkey

fedora$ rpm -e gpg-pubkey-9db62fb1-59920156

Package Cache

   deb$ ls /var/cache/apt/archives
   deb$ apt-get clean

fedora$ ls /var/cache/dnf/*/packages/
fedora$ dnf clean all

  arch$ ls /var/cache/pacman/pkg
  arch$ pacman -Sc